How are Anti-Counterfeit Labels made?
Release Time:2023-10-26 17:15:06

Setting up a business and gaining from it has been everyone's dream. However, your long years of struggle can be of no meaning if you don't take measures to safeguard your product and business brand name. Over the past few years, it's been easy to manufacture and distribute products. However, with improvements in technology, this has changed, and many business brands are suffering losses due to counterfeit products.  


As products are moving from the manufacture to the consumers, there are so many people involved in between, and not all of them may mean well for your brand name. There have been cases where intermediaries alter product content and use counterfeit product labels to get money. Suppose you are dealing with the pharmaceutical industry, imagine the nature of the destruction that may occur?  


As counterfeiters make their way, some dedicated companies have come up with ways to make anti-counterfeit labels. Similarly, manufactures have also been taking steps to protect their brand and products using different forms of Anti-Counterfeit Labels. 


Types of anti-counterfeiting techniques 


To create anti-counterfeit labels, you'll need to be familiar with the existing types. Both types can be used together to enhance security, but still, you can use one and instead of the other. Currently, there are two main types, that is, Overt and Covert. However, overt anti-counterfeit labels are generally noticeable, but it may be hectic to alter the code if you don't have the right tools and knowledge.  


On the other hand, Covert anti-counterfeit labels are hidden details that can only be difficult to open. Although all of them are used to enhance security and allow products to be traced along the product supply chain, as said, if your company has all the resources and is more concerned about product safety and security, then you can use covert and overt. However, you can also use either one of them. 


How can you make Anti-Counterfeit Labels


There are more than five ways through which you can use to design the best anti-counterfeit label that will protect your brand's name. However, these methods require the use of some knowledge together with the necessary machinery. Below is a list of top ways that can be used to make anti-counterfeit labels